Search engine optimization (SEO) is a tricky field. Just when you think you’ve got a handle on it, Google goes and changes the algorithm and what used to work doesn’t work so well anymore. or there’s a new element to add to your SEO bag.

Though you may want to write this off as a “cost of doing business” in SEO, these constant changes are actually for a good reason: Google is always trying to develop a better understanding of how people use the internet.

Changes to search algorithms are made with the goal of providing better, more relevant information to users.

And while this is great for users, it also means SEO professionals must constantly stay up-to-date on the latest changes and best practices. And that can be a major time commitment by itself.

But never fear, we’re here to help.

Tips For Staying On Top Of SEO Trends

Whether you’re an experienced SEO professional or are just getting started in your career, here are some ways you can stay in the know about what’s happening in the industry.

Subscribe To Leading SEO Blogs And Email Newsletters

It’s no secret that Google is the top dog in the search engine field.

As of February 2022, it accounts for a whopping 92% of search engine market share – which is what you would probably expect for a company whose name has become a verb meaning “to look up.”

And because Google is such a giant in the field, any SEO pro worth his or her salt should make sure to check the Google Search Central Blog on a regular basis.

Run by the search engine giant itself; it’s where you can find official updates to the Google Search Core algorithm, announcements about new search features, and articles on SEO best practices.

While Google’s blog is the gospel search engine optimization is performed by, there are several other valuable resources on the internet written by digital marketing experts.

We’d be remiss, of course, if we didn’t list ourselves first. Search Engine Journal exists for the sole purpose of keeping busy SEO people in the loop.

And while we humbly consider ourselves a top resource, other blogs and email newsletters you should be reading include Kevin Indig’s, Moz, SEO Fomo and Yoast.

For your convenience, we’ve compiled a list of 38 other resources you may find helpful.

Join Communities And Forums

SEO is a community and professionals love to share their knowledge. It was my participation in two or three communities that led to the launch of SEJ almost 19 years ago.

Gathering as much knowledge as you can ensures your strategies are effective and gives you the page rankings you want.

One of the best ways to do this is to read and participate in forums on the topic.

One of the most popular communities for SEO (and just about everything else) is on Reddit. Users can create posts, ask questions and share articles.

Content on this social platform is “upvoted” or “downvoted,” depending on the community’s opinion of it. This encourages quality posts to rise to the top, while poor-quality ones quickly disappear.

The SEO subreddit can be used for everything from job searching to troubleshooting, serving as a strategic sounding board to tracking new developments in the field.

For people with specific questions, Quora is an excellent resource.

Designed as a place to share knowledge, it allows users to ask questions, which are in turn answered by the community.

With millions of replies a day, it uses a voting system to ensure answers are accurate.

Digg is another useful site for savvy SEO pros.

Another social network using a voting system, its goal is to help users navigate an increasingly saturated media environment and identify the content most useful for their needs.

Update Your News Feed And Follow Thought Leaders On Social Media

Love it or hate it, there’s no question social media has changed the world.

And while the downside is it allows your, um, quirky uncle to share his thoughts on the connection between sasquatch, aliens, and the JFK assassination, it also allows you to connect with people like never before.

And if you’re not using this professionally, you’re missing a huge opportunity.

Twitter, LinkedIn, and yes, even Facebook, give you unparalleled access to professionals who have built their careers by sharing their experience.

With a few clicks, you can start receiving the SEO thoughts of people like Danny Sullivan and John Mueller. In addition to Danny & John, here are 202 SEO Experts who we feel that you should be following on Twitter and other social channels.

By updating your newsfeed to include these people, you’ll not only benefit from the immense level of knowledge they share, but you’ll ensure you stay in the know about any developments within the SEO world.

For your convenience, we’ve compiled a list of top SEO experts you should be following here.

Listen To Podcasts

Do you have a lot of other commitments, and don’t always have hours to dedicate to perusing the internet to stay on top of the latest best practices?

Once again, modern technology to the rescue.

Podcasts are a great way to get trustworthy tips directly from notable industry experts.

And you can consume them anywhere from the train during your morning commute to the treadmill during your workout.

Not sure what podcasts you should be listening to? Don’t worry, we’ve put together a handy list of 17 of the best SEO podcasts in the business.

And no list would ever be complete without mentioning our very own Search Engine Journal Show, where we talk all things SEO, PPC, social media, content marketing, and digital marketing with the top industry experts and authorities.

Watch YouTube Videos And SEO Webinars

Are you old enough to remember what life was like before the internet?

If so, you probably remember the frustration that came with figuring things out on your own, rather than pulling up your phone and watching a quick tutorial video.

Luckily the bad old days are behind us, and we now have access to an unprecedented amount of information, including helpful videos on platforms like YouTube and webinars hosted by experts.

Many leaders in the field of SEO have YouTube channels where they regularly upload content.

These usually short videos are an excellent way to pick up quick tips and find solutions to problems you’re facing.

Channels worth following include The SEO Video Show, Ahrefs, Matt Diggity (more of a casual, Mr. Beast feel) and, of course, Search Engine Journal.

If you have a little more time to dedicate to your SEO education, webinars are a great way to expand your knowledge.

For top-quality SEO learning, there are three main contributors: Semrush, BrightEdge and, you guessed it, Search Engine Journal.

Usually available on-demand if you miss the live presentation, these are an effective way to stay up to date with what’s happening in the field.

Attend Conferences And Build Your Network

The most valuable resource for any organization is its people. That’s why there’s an entire division called “human resources.”

But, you don’t have to work in the same office, organization, or even country to benefit from the knowledge of other SEO professionals.

To ensure your continued success in the field of search engine optimization, it’s important to expand your network.

By getting acquainted with other people in the industry, you can mimic their successful strategies, learn from their failures, and stay on top of what’s trending – and one of the best places to do this is at SEO conferences.

In a pre-pandemic world, there was no better way to put your finger on the pulse of the world of search engine rankings and connect with industry leaders than on the floor of a summit or at the evening cocktail hour. And it was a great way to make new friends too.

Though Covid-19 put a temporary limit on in-person gatherings, they’re starting to pick up again, which means attendees are once again able to expand their networks and gain a deeper understanding of how top SEO professionals are getting results.

Final Thoughts

If you’ve read this far, hopefully, we’ve impressed upon you the importance of staying up to date on the constantly shifting world of search engine optimization and given you some resources you can use to do so.

But even if you’re someone who loves your job, you undoubtedly have other commitments in your life.

And staying abreast of the latest best practices can feel like a full-time job in itself.

You simply don’t have time to spend all day, every day tracking the latest trends and best practices. And even if you could, that wouldn’t give you the bandwidth to implement these new strategies.

But that’s why we created this piece: to show you the many ways you can learn and follow what’s happening in SEO.

Maybe it’s part of your morning routine, where after checking your email, you spend some time reading the latest articles.

Maybe you routinely listen to our podcast while stuck in traffic. Or maybe you prefer lunch-and-learns, where you watch webinars while you’re taking your lunch break.

There’s a wealth of SEO information out there from a lot of experts who can help you take your rankings to the next level.

It’s up to you how you’ll use their information, tips, and tricks to make the most out of them.

More Resources:

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